Repairing Trauma
Repairing Trauma
If you or a loved one has experienced childhood trauma and are looking for guidance and support to recover you are in the right place.
You may be looking to make small important adjustments or big changes. You will be provided with expert personal development advice and coaching tailored specifically to your needs.
We offer you a highly specialist and compassionate approach to help you overcome a difficult start in life and we know how important it is to always be striving towards being truly trauma-informed and trauma-recovery focussed in doing that.
Healing isn't only about working through the tough stuff; its rediscovering the joy in you and your relationships and in the fullness of life.
Move towards living the life you imagine and deserve.
Trauma impacts us in a multitude of ways depending on what we experienced, when and for how long, and how we were supported to process those experiences. When you can better understand how and why trauma may have impacted you and your relationships, you can develop some ideas about how to lesson that impact. That's why we are here.
Navigating how to recover is daunting. Helping someone recover can feel overwhelming. Trauma neurobiologically and interpersonally tends to separate us from ourselves and one other. Shame tends to disintegrate how we feel, connect and create, isolating us and making it hard to believe other positive experiences of us. Negative truths we tell ourselves can feel like the only truth. Trauma creates a sense of not being enough.
Trauma recovery is a daily practice that challenges that narrative and shows you that you ARE enough. Investing in yourself and put yourself first is key to recovery.
"Shame dies when stories are told in safe places" Ann Voskamp
“Our stories are not meant for everyone. Hearing them is a privilege, and we should always ask ourselves this before we share: "Who has earned the right to hear my story?" If we have one or two people in our lives who can sit with us and hold space for our shame stories, and love us for our strengths and struggles, we are incredibly lucky. If we have a friend, or small group of friends, or family who embraces our imperfections, vulnerabilities, and power, and fills us with a sense of belonging, we are incredibly lucky.” Brené Brown
Repairing Trauma has been dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families who are impacted by the affects of childhood trauma since being established in 2018.
This is a bespoke friendly independent service that will tailor to your needs and offer you guidance you can depend on. Everything we do is about championing you, your wellbeing and your progress. Our independence enables us make recommendations both within and outside of our own service offer for your benefit only.
Therapy can be one component of recovery and it absolutely has its place but there are times when it is just not accessible or appropriate where your life is right now. Whether you choose to start therapy or not there are so many things you can hold in mind and that's what we help you with. Don't lose hope. Things can improve.
We will save you an enormous amount of time, energy, money and unnecessary distress in determining how best to move forward in the trust that we have the specialist expertise to help. We can provide you with the time and dedication you deserve.
Founder, Kelly Johnson, is an Independent Therapeutic Social Worker and Trauma Recovery Specialist, who has over 20 years of expertise. For 10 years Kelly has been employed by a Local Authority, the last 4 years as Team Manager, specialising in Trauma Centric Assessments, developing children's Support Plans, and commissioning wide-ranging trauma-informed and trauma recovery focussed support and therapies for children and families over two Local Authority areas.
At the core of our service offer is a trauma recovery framework, alongside attachment-focussed and systemic approaches that help identify where to start; especially important when there are a lot of competing needs and risks.
Specific Training and Modalities here at Repairing Trauma:
We are always continuing to evolve to meet the changing needs of our clients.
Kelly is currently training in her Foundation year of Systemic Practice.
Imagine our cherry as a visual for your recovery. There are three parts and professionals can focus on one, two or all three areas to help you. There is no right or wrong, it just depends on where you are in your life. The really important thing is you understand the different roles and you seek help accordingly.
Our service helps you with the 'exterior' and 'the flesh'. We provide education, guidance, advocacy, assessment and coaching support. We are proud of our offer and we don't overstep that remit. We share information aimed to empower you to recover. We use therapeutic practice tools to support you individually and as a family within the scope of social work practice. We utilise specialist training aimed toward healing childhood trauma. We want you to know there are an array of things you can know, develop, grow, learn, embody that can bring hope and wellbeing.
Therapists help you with 'the core'; we are not therapists. If you have experienced childhood trauma and want to work with a therapist look for clinicians that have additional training in trauma recovery and specialise in childhood trauma which can also be called 'complex trauma' or 'developmental trauma'. Complex or developmental trauma means repeated/multiple traumatic events that have happened to you during childhood. These experiences are usually pervasive such as abuse and/or neglect. Working with the core is hard because you reprocess the implicit and explicit memories, feelings and deeply held beliefs; but it can also be transformational. There are so many different kinds of therapists but as a very brief overview many specialise in body based approaches, attachment or relationship based approaches or individual reflective talking approaches - some do a mix.
It is really important those professionals supporting you are clear about which part of the trauma cherry they help with.
Don't be afraid to ask and use this guide to start a conversation.
Know you are not alone. It may seem like everyone has it figured out. Most people are finding their way too, and, no-one needs to have it all figured out to move forward in their lives.
We know services are stretched. If you are sitting on a long waiting list somewhere feeling desperate and lost, there are things we can suggest that may help hold you until your appointment comes. If therapy isn't for you right just now, you have other options.
Tell us what you need. We will listen and do our best to help.
We have big dreams here at Repairing Trauma!
We are building a hope-holding peer community here for you and we'll signpost you to others we love.
We will be continuing to developing our offer in a responsive way putting your needs at the centre. Next we'll have a trauma recovery focussed eclectic professional community here all under one roof!